VoiceAmerica Broadcast
Wally Robertson - An accomplished professional Speaker.
In this 6-part transmission, Wally discusses the concepts of Partnership Networking and 3-way-win(TM) with his host Jim Warren. The 45 minute interview has been converted into 6 small segments for easier listening. |
Topic - Partnership Networking - Go on a date or go steady?
Growing your customer base exponentially. Regular networking typically generates singular referrals. Wally will introduce Fearless Partnership Networking, and how to confidently exploit the value of unexpected business relationships utilizing joint campaigns, to dramatically expand customer bases and/or enhance customer relationships.
Should you 'Go on a Date', 'Go Steady' or 'Go Promiscuous'?
The VoiceAmerica broadcast
NB: There may be a short delay while sound files download. Safari may have problems with these sound files.
Introduction |
Examples |
Doing it |
Issues |
BDQ does it |
Customers |
Buy and download the full broadcast
$10.00 |